Upload My Policy

The quick, easy way to get an insurance quote.

Time is valuable and we understand not everyone may be able to make time to write an email or make a call to talk insurance so we created Upload My Policy.

Upload a copy of your current insurance policy and a Briggs agent will shop for a competitive alternative. No questions asked until you reach back for more information.

Oh, and we’ll never share your email so no need to worry about spam from us!


  1. Enter your email (so we can send you the quote)

  2. Upload your policy (take a photo, attach an emailed or scanned copy)

  3. Submit


  • A Briggs agent will email an update and if a competitive policy was found, include a quote. Most requests are returned same or next business day. With a copy of your policy an agent can extract relevant rating information. Other rating information not found on your policy can be gathered through Briggs extensive resources. For unknown data, educated presumptions may be made. When you decide to reach back and ask about moving forward a Briggs agent will review the quote and metrics used for rating to ensure any presumptions made are correct, and if not, have them corrected. Quotes are subject to change in the the event that rating information does need to be modified.

  • Long story short - you get an insurance quote with little to no input needed. This allows you to get back to your day and Briggs agents to get to work for you.

    Putting together an insurance quote requires the input of rating metrics into insurance raters which in turn generate quotes. This information is traditionally advised by you, the insured, via correspondence such as phone, email, or in person. The process of communicating these metrics doesn’t take too long, but some prefer to say “here’s what I have, can you compete” and skip the questionnaire process.

    When compared to contacting an agent and communicating these metrics, uploading your policy is different in that the quote is subject to review of unknown and presumed information, meaning your quote could change. This doesn’t mean that it won’t still compete though!

  • Help us help you - yes, the premium is listed on the declarations (coverage) page of your policy. Briggs agents do not determine pricing of insurance coverages. Knowing your premium also assists agents in preparing your response in that they will advise if they are able to compete with your current policy or not.

Looking for more information?

We are open Monday-Friday, 8-4:30 EST.

Email: contact@peterbriggsins.com

Phone: 508-758-6929